"I was waiting for a plane at LA airport at midnight..."

d e a r
When they opened the FROM HELL movie here in Brisbane the Australian publisher of the book spoke to the local Fox distributor who brought me in to spend a day doing promotional stuff. Newspaper interviews, magazine, telly. The whole day. I was given a bunch of tickets to the preview night and I got the gang along and we went out to dinner afterwards. Wee Cal was underage and he sat in the adjoining cinema watching Lord of the Rings. I joined him there after the first five minutes as I'd already seen the movie in LA. Anyway, the local newspaper, the Courier Mail was the sponsor and they put their guy up to introduce the thing. In retrospect I should have talked my way into that position, but I'd had enough of the blathering for that week.
The introduction unfolded in a rambling monotone, and just when the bit about the 'graphic novel' came up there was a guy across the aisle for me noisily trying to open a packet of Jaffas© .
"Orange / chOcOlate filled balls, with hard candy cOating - very pOpular at the mOvies in Australia"--
In fact he was making such a racket that I leaned Over and grabbed them
"Give them here." I grumbled.
I ripped the bag Open
and there were jaffas rOlling everwhere,
and a lOcal uprOar ensued.
I was embarrassed as blazes, but I slipped the guy
a nOte of my name and number and said I'd make it up to him and then I snuck Out and joined wee Cal. The name Obviously meant nOthing to him as he never called.
However, I was at LA airport twO years later waiting fOr a plane back to Australia and a fellOw came up tO me and said
"Are yOu Eddie Campbell?"
"Yes, I am."
"YOu know, I was sitting right behind yOu that night at the cinema in Brisbane when yOu
Opened that guy's Jaffas.
Funniest thing I've ever seen."
Have a great Easter Sunday.
Do They Still ROll the Jaffas Down the Aisle?
Labels: travels1
Man, and I thought popcorn was annoying...
You did everyone around him a favor ;)
Happy Easter.
Never before has someone made such comedic use of HTML. A god among geeks.
I et all the chocolate yesterday. Arse!
And I would kill for a Jaffa right now.
Dunno about rolling them down the isles. We used to lick them, then stick them in girls' hair. Kids, eh?
Are you doing press for the new book? I write for Rave magazine and we'd love to do an interview.
yes, I'll be in that.
how shall I contact you?
Gosh, these posts are pretty to look at. I hope the Jaffa folk paid you for the appealing colors and images you posted for their sake (not to mention the funny story).
I assume this Jaffa-guy was a weenie. He probably thought you passed him the name and phone number to set up a date.
And I never had a soggy jaffa stuck in my hair, but my crowd used to lick them then paint our lips orange. This process was similarly applied to Smarties which was more fun because they came in blue, orange, green, purple...
The more enthusiastic of the Smartie lickers would invariably end up with brownish lips, having got a bit excited and overdone the colour variation.
I could say something like 'kids, eh?' but witnesses might tell you I was at it again only last week.
I seem to have stumbled onto some adult content site by mistake.
My bad ( he said whilst slowly backing out of the room that in his mind was fast resembling that club in the movie Irreversible crossed with something from Willy Wonka )...
Well, you just admitted to having seen Irreversible. That makes you the biggest perve on this 'ere commenty box.
In a side note, my word verification says 'iamugod'.
There's a coincidence! Mine says "nqcqdzjr". I think there's something in that for all of us.
Errr. Back in school days, we used to sit in the back row of the cinema and suck our jaffas, and then blow them in the direction of snogging couples. We scored points for landing them on a face...
God that's awful.
But it doesn't make me a pervert.
Happy Chocolate Festival all :)
(Your jaffary O's worked just fine in Firefox, btw.)
how about the pink heart at the bottom of Anne's birthday?
Send me an email at jody_macgregor@yahoo.com and let me know when you're available for interviews, we'll set something up.
(That sweet pink heart shows up fine in Firefox, by the way.)
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