Tuesday, 26 June 2007

covers- BACCHUS no.32

T here are a couple more anecdotal cover things in the can, but I'm skimming the surface here today, so this is a lightweight post. The solicitation image was a hastily coloured job, but when I saw it in print i liked the accidental effect of mixed colour at top right, like those occasional chord changes in music that make you tingle, and tried not quite successfully to duplicate it by colouring another xerox of the same sketch (not having kept the first one.) For the design I was thinking of the Punch covers in the late 1970s when they would have a big one-line coloured cartoon on the front, with the caption typeset under it. Not sure whose idea it was to do the logo like Superman's. The way the story goes, they try to intervene on Superguy's drinking problem...
two from hayley campbell!
Great piece at the Onion:
James Gandolfini Shot By Closure-Seeking Fan- June 25
NEW YORK—Actor James Gandolfini, best known for his portrayal of mob kingpin Tony Soprano on the hit HBO show The Sopranos, was shot to death Tuesday in a Greenwich Village restaurant by a fan unable to accept the open-ended conclusion of the series finale that aired earlier this month.
According to police reports, 28-year-old marketing research assistant Louis Bowen walked into the small Italian restaurant Occhiuto's at approximately 7:40 p.m. and...

Woody Allen quote:
Woody Allen to Direct Opera- June 24
“I have no idea what I am doing,” the famously humble director said. “But incompetence has never prevented me from plunging in with enthusiasm.”

looking at Stuart immonen's life drawing outings over the last couple of weeks reminds me how one always meant to keep that up but forgot.

In other news: Gag writers wanted!
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - Patrick Knight, 39, has been soliciting jokes on the Internet and plans to tell one of them before receiving a lethal injection, Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman Michelle Lyons said on Monday.
"Everybody who is there takes it very seriously and will not be participating in the joke," she said. "So knock-knock jokes are out."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A question of possibly little interest to anyone but me, however, with all the photocopying that you do of sketches and the like, do you have a copier at home? I can't quite believe this as breakdowns would surely have appeared in a story by now. In which case are you the copier shop's best customer?

Ben Smith

26 June 2007 at 03:36:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you stopped as you didn t know enough fat wankers to pose with their todgers out for you.

And no dont even ask.

26 June 2007 at 03:49:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that isnt his character sheet for Doc Ock on his upcoming ultimate spidey run.

At least that would explain why Aunt May nearly married him

26 June 2007 at 03:51:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

oy, Duds!
it took me ages to figure out what the f**k you're talking about. I've done twenty other things since i wrote my piece and now i arrive back here and have to figure out what on earth you todger has got to do with it!

26 June 2007 at 04:36:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Hayley Campbell said...

Yeah, what's Daren's pego got to do with anything?

26 June 2007 at 05:34:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Hayley Campbell said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

26 June 2007 at 05:40:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

you removed the wrong one

26 June 2007 at 05:50:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave me out it.

Ok, it was me. I needed the money and Mick wasn't available...

26 June 2007 at 06:07:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Hayley Campbell said...


26 June 2007 at 06:11:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

I used to say in all truth that my largest expense was photocopies and not art supplies. I kept large and duplicate small xeroxes of every page before mailing it. Since i didn't have a machine in the house, very often small items would get bypassed. i wasn't going to walk a mile to photocop a tiny solicitation image just because I'd hand-coloured it. it was easier to just color another one if needed.

26 June 2007 at 06:26:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

the scanner and the digital camera changed all that.

i hardly ever bother about photocopying nowadays.

26 June 2007 at 06:28:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see it now, " As I do not have HBO I have never seen a fat mans c*ck, if I did I am sure it would be worth seeing though".

I ll sleep happy knowing I made Campbell work for a punchline.

Just don t let any of your "life" drawings be of women jogging in Ashgrove parks, or I think your cover will finally be blown.

26 June 2007 at 07:24:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Steve said...

Am I misremembering or did that issue's story have something to do with that abortive Dark Horse super book you were on for a while?

We ain't had the Sopranos over here on poor people's telly yet so I'm having to tread carefully at the minute.

I once went to the cinema with Woody Allen at the height of the he's shagging his daughter scandal. He sat two rows in front and we had to spend the whole film not throwing popcorn at him. Hard work. It was a tarted up print of The Big Sleep up Chelsea somewhere one rainy Sunday, another life before kids.

I remember wondering what he made of the adverts.

26 June 2007 at 07:41:00 GMT-5  
Blogger James Robert Smith said...

I do a lot of hiking and backpacking in the NC mountains. I was checking out a topo map to locate a trailhead in the Black Mountains and noticed a tiny township on an abandoned logging road. Town name? Bacchus.

I'll try to check the place out and see what's left of it.

26 June 2007 at 18:27:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

i want that in my address . I'm moving.

26 June 2007 at 18:30:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try watching Gilligan's Island" repeats, then - it stars Jim Bacchus :-)

26 June 2007 at 18:50:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from this weeks Popbitch-

On Tuesday Texas executed its 17th prisoner of the year. But this one, Patrick Knight, was different. He decided he was going to be the first prisoner who would tell a joke as his last words. A myspace page was set up and he received over 1,300 joke submissions.

So which one did he choose?

Strapped to the chair, waiting for his lethal injection he announced, "I said I was going to tell a joke.
Death has set me free. That's the biggest joke."

There was no gag to follow. Choking back tears, his last words were, "Go ahead. I'm finished."

29 June 2007 at 01:03:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

I don't get it

29 June 2007 at 01:08:00 GMT-5  
Blogger James Robert Smith said...

And you say you don't like horror.

29 June 2007 at 06:38:00 GMT-5  

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