Tuesday, 12 August 2008

honey, I'm Ho-ome!.
It's three weeks since I last posted here, and I am back from my world tour promoting The Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard. The San Diego Con was splendidly organized as always. I fear however that i am getting more and more at odds with the comic book world as time advances. Watching the Iron Man movie on the plane coming home, I was charmed into recalling how I marvelled at the character when i was wee, in the marvellous scene where he's flying between the two jet planes. But then it descends into that boneheaded formula in which the hero must do battle with the evil version of himself. The shiny red and gold Iron Man fights the grey Iron Man, The Banner Hulk fights the Tim Roth Hulk, Spiderman fights the living Spiderman costume with another bloke inside it. Anything that was special and unique about the character is somewhat diluted when he's got a duplicate walking about. Even as a kid I recognized this late variation on the supervillain as a sign that invention was seriously flagging. Seems odd to me that it is now de rigeur in all of these movies. But then, I find myself even more at odds with the world of movies these days.
I'm amazed at how just about everything in the world gets photographed. I no longer carry a camera with me as i just need to google it all when I get home. It started here, as posted to Youtube by SuenteusPo. My first panel at San Diego on July 24th. I'm introducing Dan Best, but it doesn't go long enough to hear him speaking.

and he's got another bit of it here, with a good punchline from a member of the audience:


"One of the fundamental tools of comics is the wordless re-creation of the rhythms of human gesture, most easily accomplished by maintaining a fixed scale of character from one panel to the next, so that the only changes the eye registers are in the variations of posture between the repeating figures (a style more commonly seen before comics began imitating the camerawork of movies)."- Chris Ware



Blogger Yoga Gal said...

Welcome home - Home Boy! Your review on the "Ironman" film made me chuckle, for it was right on the money. What can you say about a slick BIG BUDGET, Hollywood movie; it is what it is. You must remember you and Mr. Gaiman write Graphic Novels not action packed comic books about super heroes and super villians. There's room for all kinds. But most comic books aren't my cup of proverbial tea. After meeting you briefly at the Marriot lounge bar I order all your books on Amazon.com - hope you get a profit for my order! Thanks for posting your "Spotlight" at the Comic Con - I wasn't able to attend that one because I was giving myself third degree burns on the beach at the Hotel Del Coronado, painful but it's a nice tan now. Also, thanks for posting the panel you were on, I did attend that and I was really impressed with what you had to share. Get some rest and welcome! namaste - geri

12 August 2008 at 22:30:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

nice to make your acquaintance again.

12 August 2008 at 23:04:00 GMT-5  
Blogger spacedlaw said...

Welcome back, Eddie!
I was starting to wonder if you had not given up entirely on the blog.
That article is very interesting.
I had never heard of that guy before, the earlier form of comics I had been exposed to being that of Christophe" dating back from the end of 19th century.

13 August 2008 at 00:01:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Hayley Campbell said...

Y'know, you're pretty funny for a sweet old man.

13 August 2008 at 03:28:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll second that...

When are we going to see you in SD? After your dad's version of Curb Your Enthusiasm is picked up by the Beeb?



13 August 2008 at 16:47:00 GMT-5  

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