Monday, 16 November 2009

Last night my favourite band played its last gig after ten years together. This was their annual run at the Brisbane Powerhouse, which I've mentioned here both in 2007 and 2008. Twenty-seven musicians were on stage. I can't find any of it on Youtube, so here's a snatch from two years ago, which could easily have been last night, though I thought the playing was more sharply orgnaised than ever before, perhaps for the benefit of a video recording as I saw a camera set-up. We always get seats at a table in the cabaret area at the front. Gerry Mapstone is on Guitar, Tom Raymond clarinet, guest singer Silvia Entcheva.

more at youtube


Blogger Jody Macgregor said...

They told some lovely stories when I saw them on Wednesday. One about a nudie run in Fremantle remains in my memory.

17 November 2009 at 06:20:00 GMT-5  

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