Thursday, 12 November 2009

The wife of my bosom and I got home Tuesday and I'm taking stock of all the stuff that's come out of our suitcases. We flew into Rome and were met and driven by a charming bloke and fellow artist named Marco Farinelli to Florence, where we slept and stayed most of the next day. Florence, city of countless artistic marvels, which I appear to have recorded in two photos. First, this great shot of our Monty vomiting out of the side of the Cathedral:

Second, a view from the roof garden of the Scuola Intenazionale di Comics, where I gave a stand up talk for about three hours to a roomful of great students who laughed in all the right places thanks to Vanessa, my translator for the day. She came up here for a smoke break, and we comic book artists never miss an opportunity to make a photograph of foreign rooftops. You never know when you might need it.

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Blogger Nino said...

Hola, Eddie:

I, comic book reader, never miss an opportunity to admire beauty.
Instead of making photographs of roofs, you sould have been photographing girls.
Oh, Eddie, my pal... Where is that glorious photograph of her? Vanessa, a good reason to make a great trip.
Besos a Ana, and take good care of Monty.

cuĂ­date, fiera

12 November 2009 at 17:32:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Jody Macgregor said...

You're back just in time to catch Doch's final run of shows! I saw them on Wednesday and they were great as ever, but it was a bit sad knowing they won't be back next year.

12 November 2009 at 18:19:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Eddie Campbell said...

yes, we're booked for Sunday

12 November 2009 at 18:40:00 GMT-5  
Blogger Matthew Adams said...

Huh? Doch's final run of shows? Shit, haven't been paying enough attention.

Anyways, glad to see ya back here in Brissy, land of the not so enchanting roofs (except when the rain is drumming on the tin).

13 November 2009 at 00:49:00 GMT-5  
Blogger spacedlaw said...

Welcome back, Eddie!

13 November 2009 at 01:13:00 GMT-5  
Blogger SangorShop said...

i am well behind in my blog reading, but had to note that i did laugh about your taking a photo of the rooftops. A wonderfuly perfect example of a professional artist!

5 December 2009 at 08:37:00 GMT-5  

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