Tuesday, 19 June 2007

covers- BACCHUS no.22

This has the same cover date, Feb '97, as the neat DeeVee cover by Pete Mullins I showed on Saturday. It was a year of good covers. It's one of those where I honestly can no longer tell who did what on it. I even think I see both Pete's and my own hand in the colouring. There is a slight change in the judge's facial expression, becoming a little more malevolent, between (1) and (2). I remmeber selling the original to a lady lawyer who was tickled by it and wanted to hang it in her private office. One thing I do recall is that I knew Pete was driving by the courthouse and asked him to do a quick reference sketch of the statue of Lady Justice in the fourcourt from his parked car. I subsequently received the following by fax, and like all faxes received from the inestimable Mr Mullins, I made a xerox for long term filing. He would usually find a humorous way of including himself.

The music of science
Horace Dorlan by Andrzej Klimowski is a weird, witty and oddly humane graphic novel- reviewed by Michael Moorcock-Guardian-Saturday June 16,
(link thanks to regular commenter Ben Smith)

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Blogger Hayley Campbell said...

I saw Andrzej Klimowski talking about Horace Dorlan at the ICA the other night. They projected a bunch of images onto the back wall.

Reminded me of Lynd Ward.

19 June 2007 at 07:09:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I long for the days before internet and text messaging, when drawings and colouring-ins were done on actual paper and notes with just the slightest bit of scribble said so much more than just 'Don't forget milk. See you tonight'. Sigh. Curse this modern age.

Hi Eddie n all!

Liz (Mrs Pete)

19 June 2007 at 08:58:00 GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drat hayley, I meant to go to that ICA talk, it had Rutu Modan at it as well didn't it? Any good?

Ben Smith

19 June 2007 at 10:54:00 GMT-5  
Blogger James Robert Smith said...

Being a typical American lout, I reeeeeeeeeeally like that cover.

By the finished version, the judge's expression looks like something off the pen of Graham Ingles. Top-notch, man!

19 June 2007 at 21:06:00 GMT-5  

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